So far this year we have focused on 2 of the 6 Cs: critical thinking and collaboration. Last week I finally decided we should look at Character. Character is the C which incorporates pretty much of ALL of the learning skills found on the Ontario report card. It's all about learning to learning, being responsible for your own learning and self-regulation.
Here is the rubric we co-created together to help us reflect on where we are, where we need to go and how we are going to get there. This is the English adult version of the progression if you want to take a look and better understand character and what inspired our rubric.
So far we have discussed things like:
- ALWAYS knowing what the learning goal(s) is/are for the block, the day or the week
- monitoring whether we are meeting the goal or not
- making a plan for what we need to learn and how we are going to learn it